Zim or Zam?

We are often asked this question and as with most things in Africa the answer is not a simple one.
It is useful to understand the scale of the Falls so here are some facts: they cross the border of both Zimbabwe and Zambia….they are over 1,700 metres wide with two-thirds of this being on the Zim side and one-third in Zam….they are over 100 metres deep….the level of water depends on the season. It is this last one that influences many people as to when to go and view them.
In the main, the Falls are at their full flow from April to July as the rains and snow that fell in the distant Angolan mountains many months ago make their way down the Zambezi River to crash over the rockface and continue onto the Indian Ocean. The river also rises in December and January with local rain and the Falls can once again flow across the whole width. In the dry season the river drops, the flow lessens and much of the Falls has no water flowing. It is at this time that elephants can often been seen grazing on the small islands that dot the river near the Falls edge and when Devil’s Pool opens – a natural basin of still water that is formed where the brave and hardy can take a dip on the very edge of the Falls.
It's fair to say that on both sides of the border, the Falls are spectacular. Zim has the larger portion and more water with paths and viewing points making for great photo opportunities. Zam, with the smaller part, has a footbridge opposite the face of the Falls which, again, offers terrific views. The time of day makes a difference too with the morning or afternoon sun creating rainbows and shadows that completely change the look and feel of this natural wonder.
So which side is best? Maybe the best answer is neither – or both. And now that the univisa permits access to both countries, really there’s no reason why you can’t visit from both sides and come to your own conclusion.